Urmas Poolamets: Tee

tee1, n.
asfalttee: asphalt road, tar road
teed on libedad: the roads are slippery
rong seisab teisel teel: the train is standing at the other platform
way, space, room
Andke teed!: Make room!
töömehetee: career (“job track”)
way, means, manner
sõnavara rikastamise teed: ways of developing your vocabulary
by (way/means of), via
saime infot telefoni teel otse sündmuskohalt: we got the information directly from the site by phone
in such a way, in that way
sel teel küll rikkaks ei saa: you won’t get rich that way

tee2, n.
tea (beverage)
teetass: teacup
tea (plant)
teepõõsas: tea shrub (Camellia sinensis)

Tee is Urmas Poolamets’ first solo piece that he created for himself.

SCRIPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY Urmas Poolamets | DANCER Urmas Poolamets| VISUALISATION Urmas Poolamets and Magnús Sigurðarson | VIDEOS Marju Lepp, Manfred Vainokivi and Magnús Sigurðarson | LIGHTING AND STAGING Magnús Sigurðarson | MARKETING IMAGE Marju Lepp | PHOTOGRAPHY AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Jussi Virkkumaa | PRODUCTION AB Dance Company

Premiere: 14 Feb 2024 | AB Dance Company, Turku
Lenght: Around 40 min.
Age Recommendation: 12 and up

Fri, 14 Feb at 19.00 PREMIERE
Sat, 15 Feb at 18.00

25 € single ticket
23 € pensioners
15 € students, children (under 18 years), unemployed persons, and persons in civil service or in the army.
12 € members of Teme, Finnish Actors Union and Taku, persons having the Theatre Card of The Association of Finnish Theatres, dance and theatre students (vocational) and persons with press card

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Mies, jolla on kasvojen eteen köytetty kultainen kerubi.